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Beginners Yoga Henleaze

Drop in class, part of 6 week course

  • 14 British pounds
  • Northumbria Drive

Service Description

This is drop in, head to course page to book the full 6 week course and save All session will involve a breakdown of yoga poses, alignment, pranayama (breath), meditation and yoga philosophy. River will breakdown each pose and offer tailored support to find a practice that feels good for your body and ability. The course will help to build confidence and a greater sense of connection to your self. You will learn: Week 1 An intro to yoga, touching on yoga philosophy and introspection of the body. The physical practice will start with a break down of sun salutation A and some standing postures such as Triangle focusing on grounded alignment through the legs and longer hold poses to build strength. Week 2 Repeating all that was covered the previous week. We will learn Sun Salutation B + introducing twisted standing postures focusing on detoxifying the body and creating mobility through the spine. Week 3 Repeating all that was covered the previous week.We will be learning and exploring forward folds and the energetic effects on the body. How to support lengthening of the hamstrings without straining the lower back. Week 4 Repeating all that was covered the previous week. Play with balancing poses to help us find mental and emotional steadiness. Remaining steady and centered in a balancing pose improves focus and helps to relieve stress. Week 5 With the foundation from the previous weeks we will have the tools to start exploring back bends. They stretch the quads and hip flexors and help open up the shoulders and chest, an area where lots of us hold tension. They build strength and power in the legs, arms and back muscles- the perfect tonic to invigorate the whole body. Week 6 Weaving everything into a more flowing vinyasa style practice where we begin to link the postures together. A feel good class to celebrate what you have learned and feel confident in joining other yoga class All props and mats provided, just come in something comfy. "I recently completed a six week block of yoga sessions taught by River. River is patient, respectful and offered validation. She taught me to listen to my body and to develop a more embodied approach to yoga practice, which is both gentle and strong. River was able to adapt Asana to suit my physical and emotional requirements. The sessions were captivating and fun. I am looking forward to working with her again on the near future."

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or rearrange a drop in class please contact 24 hours prior to class after which no refund will be given. No refunds on class passes, workshops, course and retreats. All payments are final. You are welcome to give/sell your space please email to arrange.

Contact Details

  • Sensate Spa and Studios, The Garden, Northumbria Drive, Henleaze, Bristol, UK

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